Aerial view of a dragline being used in the process of coal surface mining in Campbell County, Wyoming, USA.

Aerial view of a dragline being used in the process of coal surface mining in Campbell County, Wyoming, USA.

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Image Copyright David R. Frazier Photolibrary, Inc.

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Aerial view of a dragline being used in the process of coal surface mining in Campbell County, Wyoming, USA.
united states, america, usa, american, wyoming, eastern rocky mountains, high plains, high desert plains, campbell county, gillette, coal, industry, energy capital of the nation, coal bed methane gas, oil, geology, energy, sedimentary rock, mine, mining, coal beds, earth, ground, fuel, electricity, aerial, surface mining, modern surface mining, open cut, open cast, open pit, strip mining, dragline, shovel, excatator, excavate,
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© David R. Frazier Photolibrary, Inc.